Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Top 30 SPM students on cloud nine
PETALING JAYA: When the country’s top Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) student Gladys Tan Yee Kim was told she was one of the 30 recipients of the inaugural national scholarship programme, she thought it was an April Fool’s joke.
“Is this for real?” asked the Kuching lass when The Star reporter conveyed the good news to her.
Quickly recovering from her surprise, Gladys said that she wished to study psychology in the United States.
“I’m really interested to learn about people, so I can use this knowledge to contribute to society and combat the social ills that plague it,” she said.
Gladys is one of the country’s 30 top performing students who are receiving scholarships from the Government for obtaining A+’s in all subjects in the SPM.
They would be able to pursue undergraduate degrees in their areas of interest as recognised by the Government at renowned universities locally and abroad under the national scholarship programme.
According to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, the aim of the prestigious programme is to offer scholarships to the country’s top performing students in order to produce quality human capital for the nation.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak announced last June that a new category of Public Service Department scholarships would be introduced this year based purely on merit, regardless of race.
The students would attend preparatory courses at centres in the country designated by the government and must attain a certain level of excellence to qualify for their studies abroad.
When told of the news, another student Amelia Lee Wei Ling from SMK Taman Melawati almost dropped her telephone in excitement as she relayed her good fortune to her parents.
“I’ve been really praying for this as I’ve applied for a number of different scholarships as well,” she said, adding that she intended to pursue a career in medicine.
Syamilah Mahali from Kolej Tunku Kurshiah, said she was happy to learn that her hard work had paid off.
“I’m really thankful for this opportunity, and I hope that I can get a place for medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,” she said.
Former SMK (P) Sri Aman student Grace Kiew Sze-Ern who was also the country’s second best student in the SPM, said that she was delighted by the news.
“I really did not expect this and I don’t even know what I’m going to study or where,” she said, adding that she was considering pursuing either medicine or dentistry.
Berita Semasa
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Senarai Agen
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Sekiranya ada sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi kami di sini.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Cara Mengambil Examo
Set Examo terdiri daripada:
Cara Mengambil Examo-CKM 500 (450 biji)
Cara Mengambil Examo-CKM 500 Plus (16 biji)
Examo-CKM 500 Plus yang mengandungi 16 biji sebotol hanya perlu diambil sekali sahaja seminggu.
- Examo-CKM 500 (dimakan setiap hari)
- Examo-CKM 500 Plus (dimakan seminggu sekali sahaja sebagai booster atau penguat)
Cara Mengambil Examo-CKM 500 (450 biji)
Kategori | Usia | Biji Examo-CKM 500 | Minggu | Kekerapan Pengambilan | |
Bayi | Kurang 1 tahun | 1 | 1 | 3 kali sehari | |
Kanak-kanak | 1 - 7 tahun | 2 | 2 | 2 kali sehari | |
Kanak-kanak | 7 - 14 tahun | 3 | 3 | 2 kali sehari | |
Dewasa | 14 tahun ke atas | 4 | 4 ke atas | 1 kali sehari |
Contohnya, untuk seorang yang berusia 8 tahun, dia perlulah mengambil 2 biji setiap kali mengambil Examo:
- Minggu 1 : 2 biji 3x sehari (pagi, tengahari, malam)
- Minggu 2 : 2 biji 2x sehari (pagi, malam)
- Minggu 3 : 2 biji 2x sehari (pagi, malam)
- Minggu 4 : 2 biji sekali sehari (pagi)
Begitu juga minggu seterusnya, sama dengan minggu ke-4, iaitu 2 biji sekali sehari (pagi).
Cara Mengambil Examo-CKM 500 Plus (16 biji)
Examo-CKM 500 Plus yang mengandungi 16 biji sebotol hanya perlu diambil sekali sahaja seminggu.
Cara Examo Bertindak
EXAMO CKM 500 bertindak empat cara iaitu:
a) Mencerdaskan akal.
EXAMO CKM 500 mampu mencerdaskan otak kerana is membantu menyuburkan dendron dan dendrit. Dendron berfungsi mengumpul maklumat dalam otak menerusi
sentuhan sinaps. Semakin subur pertumbuhan dendron dan dendrit maka lebih banyak maklumat yang dapat disimpan oleh otak. Sentuhan antara sinaps(sinaps aksosomatik dan aksodendritik) membentuk laluan neural(neural pathway) untuk membawa maklumat yang dikehendaki. Satu neuron mungkin mempunyai 1,000 hingga 10,000 sinaps. Menurut Prof. Pyotr Kuzmich Anokhin, pakar bedah saraf bangsa Rusia mendapati neuron otak orang cerdik berkeadaan lebih subur jika
dibandingkan dengan orang bodoh.
b) Menguatkan ingatan
Lemah daya ingatan ataupun lemah daya untuk mengingat membawa kepada masalah lupa. Kelemahan daya dan tenaga boleh dikuatkan kajian yang telah dilakukan oleh Dr. Shuessler menunjukkan enam jenis garam tisu biokimia yang diperlukan oleh otak sebagai makanan. Tetapi berdasarkan analisis Prof. Dr. Azizan Hj Ismail, tiga garam tisu biokimia memadai iaitu Kalsium Fosfat, Kalium Fosfat dan Magnesium Fosfat. Rumusan istimewa ketiga-tiga garam tisu ini terdapat di dalam EXAMO CKM 500.
c) Menambah Tenaga Mental
Tenaga mental adalah dalam bentuk tenaga elektrik. Jika berlaku kekurangan tenaga elektrik, is boleh dijanakan kembali daripada tindak balas kimia, sama seperti "rechargeable battery". Tenaga kimia yang terhasil dan tindak balas ini boleh diubah menjadi tenaga elektrik. Proses yang berlaku dalam otak yang melibatkan fenomena ini dikenali sebagai proses elektrokimia.
Dr. David Samuels dari Institut Weismann, menganggarkan pada setiap saat otak melakukan antara 100,000 hingga 1,000,000 proses elektrokimia. Proses ini tidak mungkin berlaku tanpa bahan kimia tertentu seperti Kalsium, Kalium, Magnesium dan Fosforus. EXAMO CKM 500 mempunyai ciri-ciri keperluan proses elektrokimia.
d) Mendatangkan ketenangan
Bagi mereka yang menduduki mana-mana peperiksaan atau ujian memang berperasaan tidak tenang. Biarpun membaca nota dan buku, namun orang yang tidak tenang tidak dapat mengingati pelajaran malah wujud perasaan lain seperti resah gelisah sehingga menimbulkan rasa takut dan hilang keyakinan diri. EXAMO CKM 500 dapat mengurangkan serangan panik menghadapi peperiksaan, mengembalikan ketenangan dan menimbulkan kerajinan untuk belajar.
a) Mencerdaskan akal.
EXAMO CKM 500 mampu mencerdaskan otak kerana is membantu menyuburkan dendron dan dendrit. Dendron berfungsi mengumpul maklumat dalam otak menerusi
sentuhan sinaps. Semakin subur pertumbuhan dendron dan dendrit maka lebih banyak maklumat yang dapat disimpan oleh otak. Sentuhan antara sinaps(sinaps aksosomatik dan aksodendritik) membentuk laluan neural(neural pathway) untuk membawa maklumat yang dikehendaki. Satu neuron mungkin mempunyai 1,000 hingga 10,000 sinaps. Menurut Prof. Pyotr Kuzmich Anokhin, pakar bedah saraf bangsa Rusia mendapati neuron otak orang cerdik berkeadaan lebih subur jika
dibandingkan dengan orang bodoh.
b) Menguatkan ingatan
Lemah daya ingatan ataupun lemah daya untuk mengingat membawa kepada masalah lupa. Kelemahan daya dan tenaga boleh dikuatkan kajian yang telah dilakukan oleh Dr. Shuessler menunjukkan enam jenis garam tisu biokimia yang diperlukan oleh otak sebagai makanan. Tetapi berdasarkan analisis Prof. Dr. Azizan Hj Ismail, tiga garam tisu biokimia memadai iaitu Kalsium Fosfat, Kalium Fosfat dan Magnesium Fosfat. Rumusan istimewa ketiga-tiga garam tisu ini terdapat di dalam EXAMO CKM 500.
c) Menambah Tenaga Mental
Tenaga mental adalah dalam bentuk tenaga elektrik. Jika berlaku kekurangan tenaga elektrik, is boleh dijanakan kembali daripada tindak balas kimia, sama seperti "rechargeable battery". Tenaga kimia yang terhasil dan tindak balas ini boleh diubah menjadi tenaga elektrik. Proses yang berlaku dalam otak yang melibatkan fenomena ini dikenali sebagai proses elektrokimia.
Dr. David Samuels dari Institut Weismann, menganggarkan pada setiap saat otak melakukan antara 100,000 hingga 1,000,000 proses elektrokimia. Proses ini tidak mungkin berlaku tanpa bahan kimia tertentu seperti Kalsium, Kalium, Magnesium dan Fosforus. EXAMO CKM 500 mempunyai ciri-ciri keperluan proses elektrokimia.
d) Mendatangkan ketenangan
Bagi mereka yang menduduki mana-mana peperiksaan atau ujian memang berperasaan tidak tenang. Biarpun membaca nota dan buku, namun orang yang tidak tenang tidak dapat mengingati pelajaran malah wujud perasaan lain seperti resah gelisah sehingga menimbulkan rasa takut dan hilang keyakinan diri. EXAMO CKM 500 dapat mengurangkan serangan panik menghadapi peperiksaan, mengembalikan ketenangan dan menimbulkan kerajinan untuk belajar.
Permulaan Examo
Imam al-Ghazali telah mengkaji fungsi otak hampir sembilan ratus tahun dahulu. Beliau telah mengenal pasti lima fungsi utama otak. Menurut kajian beliau, pada otak berlakunya beberapa aktiviti seperti ingatan, visual, perasaan, sintesis dan daya fikir.
Dr. Hussein Nabil Hasyim, pakar bedah dari Universiti Iskandariah menegaskan fungsi otak sebagai fungsi utama badan. Di sinilah tempat akal dengan fungsi tertinggi berfikir, merenung, mengatur dan mengendalikan fungsi kehidupan manusia.
Terdapat hadis Rasulullah s.a.w yang bermaksud "orang yang cerdas otaknya ialah orang yang tunduk dan beramal untuk akhiratnya. Orang yang lemah otaknya ialah orang yang suka mengikut hawa nafsunya kepada perkara-perkara yang tercela".
Dalam agama Buddha, konsep penerapan akal fikir juga turut diamalkan melalui kaedah meditasi (penyucian jiwa). Begitu juga dengan agama-agama lain yang banyak menggunakan konsep akal fikir yang tersendiri.
Menurut 'World Book', kesihatan mental dan fizikal berkait rapat. Kesihatan mental mempunyai peranan penting dalam kedua-dua cara manusia bertingkah laku dan cara mereka merasa. Menurut Sheila Ostrander dan Lynn Schroeder buku 'Super Learning 2000' makanan boleh meningkat kecerdasan, menguatkan ingatan dan menguatkan daya keupayaan pembelajaran.
Oleh itu untuk mendapatkan daya berfikir yang aktif dan kreatif, otak mestilah diberikan bahan makanan yang sesuai. Berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip tersebut dan merujuk kepada nutrisi sel Dr. Wilhelm Helmut Schuessler, telah mendorong Prof. Dr. Azizan Haji Ismail seorang pakar pemakanan kesihatan tempatan untuk merumus nutrisi biokimia yang dikenali dengan nama EXAMO CKM 500 (NO PBKD: MAL20032551T)
(Sejarah lengkap Examo akan menyusul)
Dr. Hussein Nabil Hasyim, pakar bedah dari Universiti Iskandariah menegaskan fungsi otak sebagai fungsi utama badan. Di sinilah tempat akal dengan fungsi tertinggi berfikir, merenung, mengatur dan mengendalikan fungsi kehidupan manusia.
Terdapat hadis Rasulullah s.a.w yang bermaksud "orang yang cerdas otaknya ialah orang yang tunduk dan beramal untuk akhiratnya. Orang yang lemah otaknya ialah orang yang suka mengikut hawa nafsunya kepada perkara-perkara yang tercela".
Dalam agama Buddha, konsep penerapan akal fikir juga turut diamalkan melalui kaedah meditasi (penyucian jiwa). Begitu juga dengan agama-agama lain yang banyak menggunakan konsep akal fikir yang tersendiri.
Menurut 'World Book', kesihatan mental dan fizikal berkait rapat. Kesihatan mental mempunyai peranan penting dalam kedua-dua cara manusia bertingkah laku dan cara mereka merasa. Menurut Sheila Ostrander dan Lynn Schroeder buku 'Super Learning 2000' makanan boleh meningkat kecerdasan, menguatkan ingatan dan menguatkan daya keupayaan pembelajaran.
Oleh itu untuk mendapatkan daya berfikir yang aktif dan kreatif, otak mestilah diberikan bahan makanan yang sesuai. Berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip tersebut dan merujuk kepada nutrisi sel Dr. Wilhelm Helmut Schuessler, telah mendorong Prof. Dr. Azizan Haji Ismail seorang pakar pemakanan kesihatan tempatan untuk merumus nutrisi biokimia yang dikenali dengan nama EXAMO CKM 500 (NO PBKD: MAL20032551T)
(Sejarah lengkap Examo akan menyusul)
SPA tawar lepasan SPM latihan separa perubatan
KUALA LUMPUR: Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) semalam menawarkan kepada lulusan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2009 untuk mengikuti 13 jenis Latihan Separa Perubatan bertaraf Diploma dan Sijil bagi kemasukan Julai 2010.
Setiausaha SPA, Datuk Lamien Sawiyo, berkata latihan itu ditawarkan secara percuma dan mereka yang terpilih akan mendapat jaminan penempatan pekerjaan secara tetap.
Katanya, latihan bertaraf diploma akan dijalankan selama tiga tahun manakala latihan bertaraf sijil pula adalah selama dua setengah tahun dan jumlah kekosongan yang ditawarkan adalah sebanyak 3,315 orang. Beliau berkata, had umur untuk calon memohon Latihan Separa Perubatan adalah tidak kurang 17 tahun dan tidak melebihi 25 tahun pada tarikh tutup permohonan bagi calon lantikan terus manakala bagi Pegawai Sedang Berkhidmat untuk Kenaikan Pangkat Secara Lantikan (KPSL) pula hendaklah berumur kurang 51 tahun.
“Program Latihan Bertaraf Diploma yang ditawarkan adalah Juru X-ray, Jururawat, Jurupulih Perubatan (Cara Kerja dan Anggota), Penolong Pegawai Farmasi, Penolong Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran, Penolong Pegawai Perubatan, Juruteknologi Makmal Perubatan, Juruteknologi Pergigian dan Jururawat Pergigian,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan semalam.
Beliau berkata, selepas tamat latihan, pelatih akan dilantik secara tetap dan diberi penempatan di hospital atau klinik kesihatan kerajaan di seluruh negara.
“Oleh yang demikian, calon tidak perlu risau untuk mencari pekerjaan selepas menamatkan latihan. Selain belajar secara percuma, pelatih juga akan diberikan biasiswa bulanan,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, tarikh akhir permohonan pada Khamis ini. Keterangan lanjut tawaran boleh layari portal SPA di
KUALA LUMPUR: Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) semalam menawarkan kepada lulusan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2009 untuk mengikuti 13 jenis Latihan Separa Perubatan bertaraf Diploma dan Sijil bagi kemasukan Julai 2010.
Setiausaha SPA, Datuk Lamien Sawiyo, berkata latihan itu ditawarkan secara percuma dan mereka yang terpilih akan mendapat jaminan penempatan pekerjaan secara tetap.
Katanya, latihan bertaraf diploma akan dijalankan selama tiga tahun manakala latihan bertaraf sijil pula adalah selama dua setengah tahun dan jumlah kekosongan yang ditawarkan adalah sebanyak 3,315 orang. Beliau berkata, had umur untuk calon memohon Latihan Separa Perubatan adalah tidak kurang 17 tahun dan tidak melebihi 25 tahun pada tarikh tutup permohonan bagi calon lantikan terus manakala bagi Pegawai Sedang Berkhidmat untuk Kenaikan Pangkat Secara Lantikan (KPSL) pula hendaklah berumur kurang 51 tahun.
“Program Latihan Bertaraf Diploma yang ditawarkan adalah Juru X-ray, Jururawat, Jurupulih Perubatan (Cara Kerja dan Anggota), Penolong Pegawai Farmasi, Penolong Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran, Penolong Pegawai Perubatan, Juruteknologi Makmal Perubatan, Juruteknologi Pergigian dan Jururawat Pergigian,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan semalam.
Beliau berkata, selepas tamat latihan, pelatih akan dilantik secara tetap dan diberi penempatan di hospital atau klinik kesihatan kerajaan di seluruh negara.
“Oleh yang demikian, calon tidak perlu risau untuk mencari pekerjaan selepas menamatkan latihan. Selain belajar secara percuma, pelatih juga akan diberikan biasiswa bulanan,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, tarikh akhir permohonan pada Khamis ini. Keterangan lanjut tawaran boleh layari portal SPA di
Berita Semasa
Is your spouse a bad parent?
22 March 2010
The definition of a bad parent is very subjective. It could be someone who neglects, abandons or abuses his children. Or it could even be a parent who provides financially but isn't there emotionally or psychologically for the children.
If you are reading this article, chances are you think your spouse isn't committed enough to the children or isn't spending enough time with your kids.
Family life educator Charis Patrick says it does happen and it's not always the dad, too. Even mums are sometimes guilty of this.
She explains that sometimes it is because the parent feels they are not ready for a baby and would rather run away from the responsibility.
“If your marriage is at a stage where you can communicate then I would suggest you talk it out with your spouse.
“Tell him or her that this is your child and you can't cope by yourself and you both need to take care of the child together.
“If he or she still cannot be bothered then I think you have to carry out your parenting role the best that you can while continuously trying to bring your spouse in,” says Patrick.
Assign tasks
She advises the responsible parent to study the strengths of their spouse. If the hands-off parent is not good at changing diapers or managing the child's meals, then perhaps give him or her some other task such as taking care of the money.
This means that when the child starts going to school, the job of liaising with the school will fall on one parent and the job of giving out the pocket money will be the other parent's job.
“Don't suddenly give your spouse 10 tasks to do. He or she will be so overwhelmed. Perhaps you could start with three things to begin with that you know he or she will be quite willing to take up. Or ask him/her: 'I know you feel overwhelmed with childcare, what are the three things you would like to start with?'
“When your spouse feels it is possible maybe he or she will feel motivated to come in and join you in this parenting journey,” she adds.
If your children are already schoolgoing they will tell you if they think dad or mum isn't spending enough time with them.
However, for smaller children you would be planning their routine and it would be up to you to monitor if your spouse isn't spending enough time with them.
“A very common scenario is when you want to take the family out but your husband does nothing about it and seems disinterested. I would tell the woman to plan and propose the outing and get him to approve it. Just tell him the time and date, tell him when to take leave and then make it happen. And, really hope that he enjoys that time so that he will be motivated to do it again the next time,” says Patrick.
Alternatively, you could tell him to plan the next outing. That's another way to get him involved.
Don't overdo it
If your spouse is assigned to plan an outing and he fails to plan anything, don't drive yourself crazy trying to organise that outing for him.
Let the whole family go through the consequence of him failing to plan the outing.
“As much as you guide and support, sometimes you just have to let the family enjoy the natural consequences so that he will sense the disappointment of the children and he will be motivated the next time to do better and not disappoint the whole family,” says Patrick.
She warns parents, especially women, not to overdo it when it comes to planning routines and outings for the family. There is the risk that you are so good at planning that your spouse acknowledges it and insists you keep doing it.
She explains that typically women tend to do too much in some families. What happens then is that the wife/mother is so efficient that she does all the tasks herself, not leaving space for her husband to play his role as the father.
Patrick: 'If you step back will your spouse step in to do more?'
“You have to see the dynamics. If you step back will your spouse step in to do more? And if your spouse is really quite bad at parenting, then you may have to maintain a lot of the responsibility for a while for the sake of the children. Meanwhile continue that negotiation with your spouse. You won't know how he will respond until you try so maybe you should learn how to take a step back. It's quite difficult for some women who have an overperforming role.”
Golf and holiday dads
How about the once-a-year-holiday dads or the golf dads?
Patrick reminds parents that relationships are not built on once-a-year vacations. Building a relationship is a daily affair. The same goes for golf dads who work hard and then play golf on the weekends, leaving the wife to handle the family.
“Honestly speaking it doesn't take a lot for a golf-playing dad to just make sure when he comes back from work every day that he connects with his child. If they are small, read to them a bedtime story. If they are teenagers, talk to them about their world views, their thinking or about their day. And that will be the great connect when you go for your annual vacation.
“It doesn't work if you have not been connecting day to day and suddenly you go for a vacation together. You won't know how to be together for 24 hours a day in a resort. It is meaningless if you go for a family holiday when you're all off doing your own thing (instead of spending time together).
“If you ask me if taking a family vacation will make up for the lost time on a regular basis, I will say no,” says Patrick.
If, despite all your efforts, your spouse still insists he or she has no time for the children because he or she has to work, then there needs to be a conversation between the husband and wife.
Perhaps a compromise can be met whereby your spouse agrees to come home early once a week. It needs to be early enough to see the children before they go to bed.
“Those who have a choice need to make their children a priority. Some families really have no choice because they need to work hard and work overtime because they need the money to keep the family going.
“The wonderful thing is that if the child knows you are working super hard to pay the bills and therefore you have no time for them usually they will understand. If you have a choice to come back but prefer to be out or spend time with other people, they will know that you don't care about them,” she explains.
What if your spouse really does want to do more but he or she is really bad at certain tasks that even your child prefers you to do it? For example, your child might prefer you to do crafts with her because dad just messes it up.
“For me, as long as he's prepared to step in it's a very good sign. It may not be up to your standard and perhaps you will just have to suffer that lower standard for a while. Whether the child is happy or not is less important than dad's involvement because his involvement is a long-term plan. He needs time to grow into that role. Unless you give him the time and space to grow, mature and be good at that, he will never learn and the last thing you want to do is push him out of that role.
“I think men need a lot of encouragement for the small achievements. Don't put them down.”
The ex-spouse
What happens if the hands-off and non-committal parent is your ex-husband or ex-wife? It could be that they're not spending enough time with the children or they want to take the children out for a treat at 10pm on a school night.
Says Patrick:
“If the 'bad' parent is an ex-spouse, I will explain to the child that because daddy and mummy live in different households, we have different families and different rules now. You could perhaps say, 'I know that when you go there you are allowed to play games the whole day and indulge. Because that is not my family anymore, I can't say anything but I want to let you know that when you come back to my family, my rules apply.'
“The child needs to know that. If the child is mature enough, I will try to explain the consequences to all the things that they are allowed to indulge in at the other parent's house.
“I would be very honest and tell the child that I have no control on what happens on the other side but perhaps they might want to think it through on their own and make their own decisions. This way, if your ex-spouse wants to take them out late on a school night, they can then choose whether to go or not. At least you plant that thought in the child to let him or her know that they have a choice.
“I would never attempt to change the other parent who is an ex-spouse, but I would let the child know that when they are with me my rules still apply and they have a choice when they are in the other parent's house. And I would remind myself not to say bad things about the other person.
“If your ex-spouse wants to take the children out on a school night when the child is with you, then I would put my foot down. The child needs some routine. Explain to your ex that the children would love to go out with her/him but not tonight because it's a school night.
“It may not be easy but if I have custody then I would do what's in the best interest of the child. I would then say 'No' and the other parent has no right to come and take my child because it's outside of their visitation time/rights with the child. Still, be very cordial about it. It's important not to get emotional because that's when it's very bad for the child because the child will feel very torn.”
She says that parents should never try to explain or make excuses for the other party because you can never be accurate. Even if you manage to, you'll probably be half lying and the child will know it.
If you are divorced, it is best not to try and control what happens when your children are with their other parent.
Your children will eventually realise that you have very little say in what happens on the other side and when you're transparent and honest they will really appreciate you.
22 March 2010
The definition of a bad parent is very subjective. It could be someone who neglects, abandons or abuses his children. Or it could even be a parent who provides financially but isn't there emotionally or psychologically for the children.
If you are reading this article, chances are you think your spouse isn't committed enough to the children or isn't spending enough time with your kids.
Family life educator Charis Patrick says it does happen and it's not always the dad, too. Even mums are sometimes guilty of this.
She explains that sometimes it is because the parent feels they are not ready for a baby and would rather run away from the responsibility.
“If your marriage is at a stage where you can communicate then I would suggest you talk it out with your spouse.
“Tell him or her that this is your child and you can't cope by yourself and you both need to take care of the child together.
“If he or she still cannot be bothered then I think you have to carry out your parenting role the best that you can while continuously trying to bring your spouse in,” says Patrick.
Assign tasks
She advises the responsible parent to study the strengths of their spouse. If the hands-off parent is not good at changing diapers or managing the child's meals, then perhaps give him or her some other task such as taking care of the money.
This means that when the child starts going to school, the job of liaising with the school will fall on one parent and the job of giving out the pocket money will be the other parent's job.
“Don't suddenly give your spouse 10 tasks to do. He or she will be so overwhelmed. Perhaps you could start with three things to begin with that you know he or she will be quite willing to take up. Or ask him/her: 'I know you feel overwhelmed with childcare, what are the three things you would like to start with?'
“When your spouse feels it is possible maybe he or she will feel motivated to come in and join you in this parenting journey,” she adds.
If your children are already schoolgoing they will tell you if they think dad or mum isn't spending enough time with them.
However, for smaller children you would be planning their routine and it would be up to you to monitor if your spouse isn't spending enough time with them.
“A very common scenario is when you want to take the family out but your husband does nothing about it and seems disinterested. I would tell the woman to plan and propose the outing and get him to approve it. Just tell him the time and date, tell him when to take leave and then make it happen. And, really hope that he enjoys that time so that he will be motivated to do it again the next time,” says Patrick.
Alternatively, you could tell him to plan the next outing. That's another way to get him involved.
Don't overdo it
If your spouse is assigned to plan an outing and he fails to plan anything, don't drive yourself crazy trying to organise that outing for him.
Let the whole family go through the consequence of him failing to plan the outing.
“As much as you guide and support, sometimes you just have to let the family enjoy the natural consequences so that he will sense the disappointment of the children and he will be motivated the next time to do better and not disappoint the whole family,” says Patrick.
She warns parents, especially women, not to overdo it when it comes to planning routines and outings for the family. There is the risk that you are so good at planning that your spouse acknowledges it and insists you keep doing it.
She explains that typically women tend to do too much in some families. What happens then is that the wife/mother is so efficient that she does all the tasks herself, not leaving space for her husband to play his role as the father.
Patrick: 'If you step back will your spouse step in to do more?'
“You have to see the dynamics. If you step back will your spouse step in to do more? And if your spouse is really quite bad at parenting, then you may have to maintain a lot of the responsibility for a while for the sake of the children. Meanwhile continue that negotiation with your spouse. You won't know how he will respond until you try so maybe you should learn how to take a step back. It's quite difficult for some women who have an overperforming role.”
Golf and holiday dads
How about the once-a-year-holiday dads or the golf dads?
Patrick reminds parents that relationships are not built on once-a-year vacations. Building a relationship is a daily affair. The same goes for golf dads who work hard and then play golf on the weekends, leaving the wife to handle the family.
“Honestly speaking it doesn't take a lot for a golf-playing dad to just make sure when he comes back from work every day that he connects with his child. If they are small, read to them a bedtime story. If they are teenagers, talk to them about their world views, their thinking or about their day. And that will be the great connect when you go for your annual vacation.
“It doesn't work if you have not been connecting day to day and suddenly you go for a vacation together. You won't know how to be together for 24 hours a day in a resort. It is meaningless if you go for a family holiday when you're all off doing your own thing (instead of spending time together).
“If you ask me if taking a family vacation will make up for the lost time on a regular basis, I will say no,” says Patrick.
If, despite all your efforts, your spouse still insists he or she has no time for the children because he or she has to work, then there needs to be a conversation between the husband and wife.
Perhaps a compromise can be met whereby your spouse agrees to come home early once a week. It needs to be early enough to see the children before they go to bed.
“Those who have a choice need to make their children a priority. Some families really have no choice because they need to work hard and work overtime because they need the money to keep the family going.
“The wonderful thing is that if the child knows you are working super hard to pay the bills and therefore you have no time for them usually they will understand. If you have a choice to come back but prefer to be out or spend time with other people, they will know that you don't care about them,” she explains.
What if your spouse really does want to do more but he or she is really bad at certain tasks that even your child prefers you to do it? For example, your child might prefer you to do crafts with her because dad just messes it up.
“For me, as long as he's prepared to step in it's a very good sign. It may not be up to your standard and perhaps you will just have to suffer that lower standard for a while. Whether the child is happy or not is less important than dad's involvement because his involvement is a long-term plan. He needs time to grow into that role. Unless you give him the time and space to grow, mature and be good at that, he will never learn and the last thing you want to do is push him out of that role.
“I think men need a lot of encouragement for the small achievements. Don't put them down.”
The ex-spouse
What happens if the hands-off and non-committal parent is your ex-husband or ex-wife? It could be that they're not spending enough time with the children or they want to take the children out for a treat at 10pm on a school night.
Says Patrick:
“If the 'bad' parent is an ex-spouse, I will explain to the child that because daddy and mummy live in different households, we have different families and different rules now. You could perhaps say, 'I know that when you go there you are allowed to play games the whole day and indulge. Because that is not my family anymore, I can't say anything but I want to let you know that when you come back to my family, my rules apply.'
“The child needs to know that. If the child is mature enough, I will try to explain the consequences to all the things that they are allowed to indulge in at the other parent's house.
“I would be very honest and tell the child that I have no control on what happens on the other side but perhaps they might want to think it through on their own and make their own decisions. This way, if your ex-spouse wants to take them out late on a school night, they can then choose whether to go or not. At least you plant that thought in the child to let him or her know that they have a choice.
“I would never attempt to change the other parent who is an ex-spouse, but I would let the child know that when they are with me my rules still apply and they have a choice when they are in the other parent's house. And I would remind myself not to say bad things about the other person.
“If your ex-spouse wants to take the children out on a school night when the child is with you, then I would put my foot down. The child needs some routine. Explain to your ex that the children would love to go out with her/him but not tonight because it's a school night.
“It may not be easy but if I have custody then I would do what's in the best interest of the child. I would then say 'No' and the other parent has no right to come and take my child because it's outside of their visitation time/rights with the child. Still, be very cordial about it. It's important not to get emotional because that's when it's very bad for the child because the child will feel very torn.”
She says that parents should never try to explain or make excuses for the other party because you can never be accurate. Even if you manage to, you'll probably be half lying and the child will know it.
If you are divorced, it is best not to try and control what happens when your children are with their other parent.
Your children will eventually realise that you have very little say in what happens on the other side and when you're transparent and honest they will really appreciate you.
Are girls smarter than boys?
IS THE education system more suited to the learning style of girls? Is that why boys are lagging behind girls in public examinations and why boys are outnumbered at public universities?
No, says Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) chief executive officer Datuk Dr Syed Ahmad Hussein.
Syed Ahmad says it is not a gender-based problem but rather a sociological one.
"It is a recent phenomenon as it was not a problem 10 years ago. What it is, I'm not sure. It needs to be studied. Maybe Malaysian boys are spoilt and get away with many things, including not studying hard.
"It is possible that girls perform better in an exam-oriented system but that does not mean girls would not perform as well in an alternative system."
He says some people suggest that boys perform better in a hands-on learning environment rather than one which requires a lot of memorisation.
However, says Syed Ahmad: "The results might be the same if the system is changed. I still hold to the position that we should have an education system that prescribes lifelong learning.
"There should be enough channels for people to return to a formal education system whenever they want.
"We should not be obsessed with having an equal number of boys and girls in the top 10. We should be obsessed with every Malaysian having continuous opportunities to continue their education whenever they want."
Malaysian Association of Private Colleges and Universities (Mapcu) president Dr Parmjit Singh says while there was absolutely nothing wrong with girls doing better than boys, it was important to recognise why boys were not doing as well as the girls.
"It is common knowledge among parents of young children that the learning process that the boys are adapted to is quite different from that of girls.
"What is critical and crucial now is to have an education process that lends itself to the way both boys and girls learn and to bring out the best in them. Even in higher education, we see some differences in the way boys and girls learn."
He says if the disparity continued to persist, it would mean the nation would not get the best out of the boys.
"The education system should align itself to suit the learning patterns of both boys and girls."
Parmjit says anyone taking a cursory look at any classroom today would see boys being restless and bored.
"It's the boys' behavioural patterns, make-up and learning patterns. For example, when you buy something new, a boy will not be patient enough to look at the instructions.
"He will fiddle around with it until he finds out how it works. They are more experimental and hands-on.
"Girls have a tendency to not experiment so much. They will look at the instruction booklet or ask their peers.
"These are just the ways people learn. To get them to learn, the learning process has to adapt to the learning needs of both boys and girls."
MQA deputy chief executive officer Prof Zita Mohd Fahmi, however, feels there is nothing wrong with the education system.
"I think girls are very hardworking. When I was the dean of a law school, the female students' scores at the point of entry were already better than the males.
"This is not an issue isolated to Malaysia. I don't think there is anything wrong with the education system. I think in the Asian context, parents are more lenient with boys.
"I have two sons and two daughters and I find the girls' approach to life is different. But maybe the school environment should be more conducive and cater to the needs of both genders."
Academician Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim agrees that the problem is not with the education system.
"If you look at the culture of the people, in particular Malays and Indians, Malay and Indian girls are not allowed that much freedom compared with Chinese girls.
"Due to that, the girls tend to give more attention to their studies while the boys are running wild.
"Chinese boys have that something extra which is helpful to them. They believe that if you succeed in education, you will become a successful person in life, although empirical evidence shows that most of the successful businessmen in Malaysia had very little education."
Khoo says parents and teachers have an integral role to play in this regard.
"We cannot just look at the schools. Parents on the whole are very ignorant. Many have old-fashioned ideas and feel that if their child chooses to do history and geography, they will not be able to get employed.
"But the truth is, most of those who are unemployed are science graduates. One example are IT (information technology) graduates.
"How many successful people were straight A students in the past?
"Teachers must always try to recognise the talent in a particular child. They must recognise what the child is able to do best and then help the child develop his or her talent.
"Now, they treat all the children as one child. This was not the way of teachers in the past."
IS THE education system more suited to the learning style of girls? Is that why boys are lagging behind girls in public examinations and why boys are outnumbered at public universities?
No, says Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) chief executive officer Datuk Dr Syed Ahmad Hussein.
Syed Ahmad says it is not a gender-based problem but rather a sociological one.
"It is a recent phenomenon as it was not a problem 10 years ago. What it is, I'm not sure. It needs to be studied. Maybe Malaysian boys are spoilt and get away with many things, including not studying hard.
"It is possible that girls perform better in an exam-oriented system but that does not mean girls would not perform as well in an alternative system."
He says some people suggest that boys perform better in a hands-on learning environment rather than one which requires a lot of memorisation.
However, says Syed Ahmad: "The results might be the same if the system is changed. I still hold to the position that we should have an education system that prescribes lifelong learning.
"There should be enough channels for people to return to a formal education system whenever they want.
"We should not be obsessed with having an equal number of boys and girls in the top 10. We should be obsessed with every Malaysian having continuous opportunities to continue their education whenever they want."
Malaysian Association of Private Colleges and Universities (Mapcu) president Dr Parmjit Singh says while there was absolutely nothing wrong with girls doing better than boys, it was important to recognise why boys were not doing as well as the girls.
"It is common knowledge among parents of young children that the learning process that the boys are adapted to is quite different from that of girls.
"What is critical and crucial now is to have an education process that lends itself to the way both boys and girls learn and to bring out the best in them. Even in higher education, we see some differences in the way boys and girls learn."
He says if the disparity continued to persist, it would mean the nation would not get the best out of the boys.
"The education system should align itself to suit the learning patterns of both boys and girls."
Parmjit says anyone taking a cursory look at any classroom today would see boys being restless and bored.
"It's the boys' behavioural patterns, make-up and learning patterns. For example, when you buy something new, a boy will not be patient enough to look at the instructions.
"He will fiddle around with it until he finds out how it works. They are more experimental and hands-on.
"Girls have a tendency to not experiment so much. They will look at the instruction booklet or ask their peers.
"These are just the ways people learn. To get them to learn, the learning process has to adapt to the learning needs of both boys and girls."
MQA deputy chief executive officer Prof Zita Mohd Fahmi, however, feels there is nothing wrong with the education system.
"I think girls are very hardworking. When I was the dean of a law school, the female students' scores at the point of entry were already better than the males.
"This is not an issue isolated to Malaysia. I don't think there is anything wrong with the education system. I think in the Asian context, parents are more lenient with boys.
"I have two sons and two daughters and I find the girls' approach to life is different. But maybe the school environment should be more conducive and cater to the needs of both genders."
Academician Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim agrees that the problem is not with the education system.
"If you look at the culture of the people, in particular Malays and Indians, Malay and Indian girls are not allowed that much freedom compared with Chinese girls.
"Due to that, the girls tend to give more attention to their studies while the boys are running wild.
"Chinese boys have that something extra which is helpful to them. They believe that if you succeed in education, you will become a successful person in life, although empirical evidence shows that most of the successful businessmen in Malaysia had very little education."
Khoo says parents and teachers have an integral role to play in this regard.
"We cannot just look at the schools. Parents on the whole are very ignorant. Many have old-fashioned ideas and feel that if their child chooses to do history and geography, they will not be able to get employed.
"But the truth is, most of those who are unemployed are science graduates. One example are IT (information technology) graduates.
"How many successful people were straight A students in the past?
"Teachers must always try to recognise the talent in a particular child. They must recognise what the child is able to do best and then help the child develop his or her talent.
"Now, they treat all the children as one child. This was not the way of teachers in the past."
Berita Semasa,
Friday, March 19, 2010
No Internet or tuition but still tops
PUTRAJAYA: While most people relied on tuition and additional classes to score top marks in public examinations, Ahmad Rahimi Sudin chose the old-fashioned way of reading up before the lesson was taught in class.
This made him not only on par with the teachers but also a much sought-after mentor among his peers.
Ahmad Rahimi, 18, a special needs student who was born with a deformed leg, said he was not a big fan of the Internet either.
The Kuantan Integrated Boarding School (Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi, Kuantan) student relied mostly on classroom notes and group study sessions.
"I worked hard and focused on my favourite subjects like Physics and Additional Mathematics," he said.
This paved the way for him to score 7A+, 2As and 1A- in his examinations.
The seventh of eight children to a policeman and a housewife, Rahimi said he would most likely be pursuing Physics as a subject in university.
Top scorer from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Melawati, Selangor, Amelia Lee Wei Ling, however, chose medicine as her field.
Attributing her 12A+ and consistent academic achievement to her parents, friends and teachers, Lee said she had a lot of help from tuition classes.
"I worked really hard. I also believe God has helped me throughout. I hope to get a scholarship and enrol in a university overseas."
Several schools have already put in place a "buddy system" where students who performed better would help the weaker ones to catch up and improve on their lessons.
Among them is the Gombak Integrated Boarding School (Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Gombak).
PUTRAJAYA: While most people relied on tuition and additional classes to score top marks in public examinations, Ahmad Rahimi Sudin chose the old-fashioned way of reading up before the lesson was taught in class.
This made him not only on par with the teachers but also a much sought-after mentor among his peers.
Ahmad Rahimi, 18, a special needs student who was born with a deformed leg, said he was not a big fan of the Internet either.
The Kuantan Integrated Boarding School (Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi, Kuantan) student relied mostly on classroom notes and group study sessions.
"I worked hard and focused on my favourite subjects like Physics and Additional Mathematics," he said.
This paved the way for him to score 7A+, 2As and 1A- in his examinations.
The seventh of eight children to a policeman and a housewife, Rahimi said he would most likely be pursuing Physics as a subject in university.
Top scorer from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Melawati, Selangor, Amelia Lee Wei Ling, however, chose medicine as her field.
Attributing her 12A+ and consistent academic achievement to her parents, friends and teachers, Lee said she had a lot of help from tuition classes.
"I worked really hard. I also believe God has helped me throughout. I hope to get a scholarship and enrol in a university overseas."
Several schools have already put in place a "buddy system" where students who performed better would help the weaker ones to catch up and improve on their lessons.
Among them is the Gombak Integrated Boarding School (Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Gombak).
Berita Semasa
Govt to aid students with poor SPM results
PUTRAJAYA: The Education Ministry and the Human Resources Ministry will discuss how best to assist students who failed or scored poorly in their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination last year, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.
Muhyiddin, who is the education minister, said the ministry and related agencies would find ways to help these students obtain the necessary skills so that they could continue to pursue education and career.
"The Education Ministry will not sideline schools which obtained less than encouraging results.
"We will continue to narrow the gap in the average grade achievement especially between urban and rural schools," he said at the 2009 SPM Excellence Awards here on Friday.
At the event, Muhyiddin presented certificates of appreciation to 10 schools for scoring excellent results in the 2009 SPM as well as to 16 students, including four with special needs and two from sports school, who excelled in their SPM.
Muhyiddin said the 10 schools were chosen based on the average grades they achieved in the SPM.
This year, he said school achievements were categorised as excellent, good, satisfactory and having potential based on their respective average grades.
"This is to enable school principals to know the position of their schools so that they can work on increasing their average grades," he said.
The deputy prime minister also praised the special students for having shown fortitude and determination by scoring excellent results despite their physical disabilities.
"The same goes to sports students. Although they spent most of their time in sports activities, they still managed to score excellent academic results. This shows that involvement in sports is not a barrier to academic excellence," he said.
In the event, Muhyiddin announced a special capital assistance of RM100,000 to repair Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina San Yuk in Rawang, Selangor which was damaged in a fire during a robbery last month.
In the incident, robbers set the school's administration office and a printing cabin on fire and injuried two security guards.
"The education ministry sympathised with the school, teachers and students," Muhyiddin said. - BERNAMA
Muhyiddin, who is the education minister, said the ministry and related agencies would find ways to help these students obtain the necessary skills so that they could continue to pursue education and career.
"The Education Ministry will not sideline schools which obtained less than encouraging results.
"We will continue to narrow the gap in the average grade achievement especially between urban and rural schools," he said at the 2009 SPM Excellence Awards here on Friday.
At the event, Muhyiddin presented certificates of appreciation to 10 schools for scoring excellent results in the 2009 SPM as well as to 16 students, including four with special needs and two from sports school, who excelled in their SPM.
Muhyiddin said the 10 schools were chosen based on the average grades they achieved in the SPM.
This year, he said school achievements were categorised as excellent, good, satisfactory and having potential based on their respective average grades.
"This is to enable school principals to know the position of their schools so that they can work on increasing their average grades," he said.
The deputy prime minister also praised the special students for having shown fortitude and determination by scoring excellent results despite their physical disabilities.
"The same goes to sports students. Although they spent most of their time in sports activities, they still managed to score excellent academic results. This shows that involvement in sports is not a barrier to academic excellence," he said.
In the event, Muhyiddin announced a special capital assistance of RM100,000 to repair Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina San Yuk in Rawang, Selangor which was damaged in a fire during a robbery last month.
In the incident, robbers set the school's administration office and a printing cabin on fire and injuried two security guards.
"The education ministry sympathised with the school, teachers and students," Muhyiddin said. - BERNAMA
Berita Semasa
Muhyiddin sifatkan Ungku Aziz lambang keintelektualan
KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menyifatkan Profesor Diraja Ungku Aziz adalah lambang intelektual tulen yang berjaya meletakkan penanda aras amat tinggi dalam dunia keintelektualan tanah air.
Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata, keintelektualan bekas pensyarah beliau ketika mengikuti pengajian di Universiti Malaya (UM) dari 1966 hingga 1970 itu dapat dilihat menerusi impak kajian ilmiahnya yang berjaya merubah pemikiran dan sikap masyarakat serta kesannya terhadap dasar kerajaan, terutama dalam pembasmian kemiskinan dan pemugaran ekonomi desa.
“Saya fikir inilah falsafah sebenar manusia intelektual dan peranan universiti sebagai gedung ilmu. “Apabila kita memperkatakan mengenai kajian berimpak tinggi, ukuran kita semestinya bukan hanya untuk menerbitkan makalah dalam jurnal antarabangsa, sekadar untuk meningkatkan kedudukan universiti, mencapai sasaran kuantitatif Penunjuk Prestasi utama (KPI) atau mendapat peluang kenaikan pangkat, tetapi mengenai sejauh mana kajian dihasilkan dapat memberikan kesan secara signifikan kepada perkembangan pemikiran masyarakat dan peningkatan kemajuan negara,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika melancarkan buku Royal Professor Ungku Aziz: The Renaissance Man yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Universiti Malaya sempena meraikan ulang tahun kelahiran Ungku Aziz ke-88 di UM, di sini semalam.
Hadir sama Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin; Naib Canselor UM, Prof Datuk Dr Ghauth Jasmon dan Ungku Aziz.
Muhyiddin berkata, keistimewaan Ungku Aziz terletak kepada keupayaannya menguasai pelbagai disiplin ilmu dan menggunakan ilmu yang dikuasainya itu untuk mengemukakan pandangan yang praktikal dan ilmiah kepada sesuatu permasalahan atau isu dihadapi masyarakat.
“Sebagai seorang intelektual, beliau memberikan kepemimpinan moral dan etika bukan saja kepada warga universiti tetapi kepada masyarakat untuk membentuk pemikiran dan memupuk sikap selari dan secocok dengan tuntutan kemajuan dan pemodenan,” katanya.
Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata, keintelektualan bekas pensyarah beliau ketika mengikuti pengajian di Universiti Malaya (UM) dari 1966 hingga 1970 itu dapat dilihat menerusi impak kajian ilmiahnya yang berjaya merubah pemikiran dan sikap masyarakat serta kesannya terhadap dasar kerajaan, terutama dalam pembasmian kemiskinan dan pemugaran ekonomi desa.
“Saya fikir inilah falsafah sebenar manusia intelektual dan peranan universiti sebagai gedung ilmu. “Apabila kita memperkatakan mengenai kajian berimpak tinggi, ukuran kita semestinya bukan hanya untuk menerbitkan makalah dalam jurnal antarabangsa, sekadar untuk meningkatkan kedudukan universiti, mencapai sasaran kuantitatif Penunjuk Prestasi utama (KPI) atau mendapat peluang kenaikan pangkat, tetapi mengenai sejauh mana kajian dihasilkan dapat memberikan kesan secara signifikan kepada perkembangan pemikiran masyarakat dan peningkatan kemajuan negara,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian ketika melancarkan buku Royal Professor Ungku Aziz: The Renaissance Man yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Universiti Malaya sempena meraikan ulang tahun kelahiran Ungku Aziz ke-88 di UM, di sini semalam.
Hadir sama Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin; Naib Canselor UM, Prof Datuk Dr Ghauth Jasmon dan Ungku Aziz.
Muhyiddin berkata, keistimewaan Ungku Aziz terletak kepada keupayaannya menguasai pelbagai disiplin ilmu dan menggunakan ilmu yang dikuasainya itu untuk mengemukakan pandangan yang praktikal dan ilmiah kepada sesuatu permasalahan atau isu dihadapi masyarakat.
“Sebagai seorang intelektual, beliau memberikan kepemimpinan moral dan etika bukan saja kepada warga universiti tetapi kepada masyarakat untuk membentuk pemikiran dan memupuk sikap selari dan secocok dengan tuntutan kemajuan dan pemodenan,” katanya.
Berita Semasa
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Examo boleh membantu anda
Sama ada anda seorang bayi (boleh ke anda membaca posting ini :-) ), seorang pelajar, dewasa atau warga emas, Examo boleh membantu anda:
- Mencerdaskan Akal
- Menguatkan Ingatan
- Menguatkan Daya Berfikir
- Menenangkan Fikiran
- Menambahkan Konsentrasi
- Menimbulkan Minat Belajar
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
10 sebab mengapa ramai memilih Examo
- Produk nutrisi minda yang PERTAMA di dunia
- Berada di pasaran selama lebih 30 TAHUN
- KELULUSAN oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
- Dianugerahkan JOHAN kategori "Produk Kesihatan Terbaik SDSI 2008"
- Dikilangkan oleh Pengilang Homeopati PERTAMA di Asia Tenggara
- Diperbuat daripada MINERAL & LAktosa, tidak beracun dan selamat untuk dimakan
- Ditriturat HALUS & MUDAH MERESAP dalam tubuh tanpa perlu dihadam
- MAKANAN STRATEGIK untuk sel saraf
- Tidak menimbulkan ketagihan
- Bersih, suci, saintifik dan HALAL
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