Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dirempuh ketika melintas

PUTRAJAYA: Bunyi seretan brek disusuli dentuman kuat mengejutkan beberapa penghuni kawasan perumahan Presint 8 di sini, apabila seorang murid sekolah dilanggar sebuah kereta, petang semalam.

Sebelum kejadian, mangsa, Adibatul Husna Mohamed Rais, 10, murid tahun empat Sekolah Kebangsaan Putrajaya Presint 8 (1) dipercayai berlari melintas jalan selepas panik apabila ditinggalkan rakan, kira-kira jam 2 petang.

Bagaimanapun, sebuah kereta Perodua Myvi dipandu seorang wanita dipercayai tidak sempat membrek sebelum merempuh kanak-kanak berkenaan.

Saksi, Azman Aziz, 49, berkata, dia mendengar sebuah kereta membrek dan mendengar dentuman kuat sebelum bergegas untuk melihat punca bunyi itu. “Ketika sampai di tempat kejadian, saya melihat seorang murid perempuan terbaring di jalan raya dipercayai dilanggar kereta itu.

“Saya menghubungi anak saya yang bekerja di Perbadanan Putrajaya (PPj) sebelum memintanya melaporkan kejadian itu kepada polis dan menghubungi ambulans,” katanya ketika ditemui di tempat kejadian.

Menurutnya, mangsa yang patah tangan kiri dan luka ringan di muka dan kaki dipercayai melintas jalan ke sekolah itu dan tidak menyedari kehadiran kereta yang dipandu laju.

“Mangsa dilanggar berhampiran lintasan pejalan kaki, namun dia tidak menggunakan lintasan berkenaan ketika melintas.

“Sekolah itu tidak mempunyai pengawal lalu lintas dan mengundang bahaya kerana murid sekolah rendah tidak pandai mengagak kelajuan kenderaan,” katanya.

Adibatul Husna dihantar ke Hospital Putrajaya oleh ambulans bagi menerima rawatan.

Sementara itu, jurucakap polis Bahagian Trafik Ibu Pejabat Polis Putrajaya ketika dihubungi mengesahkan kejadian itu yang membabitkan sebuah kenderaan dipandu seorang wanita yang bekerja di Presint 8.

Menurutnya, wanita terbabit sudah membuat laporan kejadian itu, manakala sehingga kini, polis belum menerima sebarang laporan daripada keluarga mangsa.

Oleh Syarifah Dayana Syed Bakri

Televisyen punca pengaruh negatif

KUALA LUMPUR - Tabiat menonton televisyen didakwa menjadi punca utama berlakunya obesiti dalam kalangan orang dewasa dan kanak-kanak selain pembawa kesan negatif yang boleh mempengaruhi minda kanak-kanak.

Pengarah Komunikasi Kumpulan Persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (Fomca), Mohd Yusof Abdul Rahman berkata, menonton televisyen secara berlebihan mewujudkan gaya hidup menyendiri dan tidak banyak terlibat dalam aktiviti fizikal selain menyebabkan obesiti.

Atas dasar itu, Fomca melancarkan Kempen Minggu Tidak Menonton Televisyen yang bermula pada 21 hingga 27 April lalu bertujuan membantu mewujudkan kesedaran bahawa masa menonton televisyen perlu dihadkan kepada kurang dua jam sehari.

“Menurut kajian, golongan muda dan kanak-kanak menghabiskan masa antara empat hingga enam jam sehari menonton televisyen berbanding melakukan aktiviti fizikal.

“Jadi, melalui kempen ini kami berharap ibu bapa menyedari bahawa anak tidak boleh terlalu leka menonton televisyen terutama bagi mereka yang berumur dua tahun ke bawah.

"Ini kerana faktor persekitaran dan pengaruh yang dibawa oleh rancangan di televisyen itu sendiri,” katanya pada Sinar Harian pada Program Analisis Kempen Tidak Menonton Televisyen di Tabika Kemas Kem Batu Kentonmen.

Beliau berkata, kempen tersebut dianggap berjaya setelah menerima komen daripada ibu bapa memandangkan sepanjang seminggu kempen, mereka lebih banyak meluangkan masa dan membawa anak menjalani aktiviti riadah sekali gus mengeratkan hubungan terutamanya bagi mereka yang sibuk bekerja.

“Kita dapat reaksi positif daripada ibu bapa, ada yang mengatakan sepanjang mempraktikkan minggu kempen tidak menonton televisyen, mereka lebih mengenali anak mereka kerana ada yang meluahkan perasaan dan masalah.

“Fomca ada memberi buku laporan untuk dicatatkan mengenai aktiviti yang dilakukan bersama -anak dan beberapa cadangan aktiviti alternatif yang boleh dilakukan seperti membawa anak ke Zoo Negara, pergi ke perpustakaan, menolong ibu bapa dan aktiviti riadah lain.

“Kempen ini mendapat sambutan daripada ibu bapa berdasarkan laporan yang dicatatkan,” katanya.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Kisah sedih

Losing a child is every parents nightmare.
Never across in my mind that one day my child will die before me.


And it happens to me, in split second, he left me forever. Without any
warning, without saying goodbye and never in my mind, it would be this way.

I love him so much.

I miss him so much.

Only ALLAH knows how I feel now, but I must be redha. Ini ketentuan Allah.
No one can stop it. *NO ONE *. Sudah tertulis, ajal Dzafri sudah tiba pada
20hb Mac 2010, pukul 8.50pm. Semuanya sudah tertulis.

My second son, DZAFRI HISYAM BIN KHAIRULANWAR, passed away peacefully on 20
March 2010 at 8.50pm, at ICU/NICU Ampang Puteri and he was 15 months old
(born on 22 September 2008).

He was first diagnosed with dengue (the diagnosed and confirmation of the
dengue was made by our regular pediatrician at Wangsa Maju) and later
transferred to Ampang Puteri on 20 March 2010 (Saturday) because Dzafri had
trouble breathing and the first hospital doesnt have the proper equipment.

The minute we arrived at Ampang Puteri by ambulance, the consultant
pediatrician at the ICU/NICU ward have said this to me, "Your baby is too
sick. What happened? I cannot promise you anything.... "


What?????? Said that again????

But still in my head, I thought to myself that this doctor is wrong. Ya, me,
without any medical background, wants to tell to this experience doctor that
he is wrong. And he continue, "I think this is not dengue, this is something
else. He is too pale. Do he have talasemia?" I quickly replied to him, "No.
What do you mean by something else. The doctor (referring to the earlier
pediatrician) told me it was dengue." "Never mind. I will do the test
first." He replied.

I kept quiet to myself, not saying anything and just let the doctor and his
nurses doing their job. I was with Dzafri in that ICU room, waiting for my
husband and Dzarif as I arrived earlier with the ambulance. Still in shock
of what the doctor told me, but I still remaining calm. Tapi dalam hati, Ya
Allah, Tuhan saja tahu. I just want to scream, yell, cry ... and all I want
to do at that time is Dzafri to be ok and we can all go home.

Dzafri was put on oxygen, drip, wayar sana sini-at his chest, hand, his
little feet .... He starts to merengek, maybe because tak selesa dgn
wayar-wayar yang banyak tu. He didnt cried, but he wants me to hold him
tight. Tapi macam mana nak dukung him with all the wayar, dari hidung,
lengan, tgn, kaki semuanya ada. I tried to make him comfortable as I could,
but I know, he's scared. Me too..

After 1/2 hour in the ward, Dzafri tertidur and I quickly make my way to the
registration counter as hubby is stuck in the traffic jammed. habis urusan
di kaunter tu, I quickly ran back to the ward and there, the doctor is
waiting for me to show Dzafri chest Xray.

"Its pneumonia. Its getting worst. What actually the doctor told you?"

I explained to him the whole thing, from the first day Dzafri had his demam
which is on Monday night, we went to see his pediatrician on Wednesday and
was admitted on Friday because the doctor suspected dengue or viral fever,
and which the blood test done on Friday and Saturday with the platlet count
drop to 28, the pediatrician confirmed it was dengue but, Dzafri had trouble
breathing since Wednesday and the pediatrician told me its only phlegm and
something to do with Croup bacteria/virus.

"No. This is nothing to do with dengue or viral fever. Its pneumonia and his
chest Xray shows that his right lung is filled with pus ? (nanah) and he
need to be operate immediately" .

I was nearly fainted.

My hubby was outside at the visitor lounge, waiting with Dzarif, because kid
under 12 are not allowed to be in the ICU ward and we had nobody to look
after him. I agreed with the operation thing and quickly ran to my husband,
asked him to see the doctor and explained to him once more. Just before
that, another doctor came into the room. The nurse introduced him as the
Pakar Bedah Paru-paru. He was holding the chest xray and was saying
something to the first doctor. Then, he explained to me. This time, his
words really make me want to cry.

"Its pneumonia but I ternampak satu benda asing dalam paru-paru dia ni.. I
rasa ada ketumbuhan. Growth."




At that time, I am really confused. Sad. The reason the whole transfer thing
from the previous hospital to Ampang Puteri is because he has trouble
breathing and the doctor there confirmed that it was dengue.

How can from dengue be a tumor?

He never sick before. Only demam, selsema like the rest of other kids. Bagi
ubat, dia baik. Tidak pernah pun dia terbaring lama, kesakitan. Never. He
never get sick before. I really dont understand.

"Your doctor tak pernah instruct for Xray?" Asked the surgeon again.

"No. And I pun tak pernah terfikir nak hantar dia for Xray coz dia tak
pernah sakit".

"Its not your fault. The doctor should advise you. We need to sent him for
scan. Then baru I betul-betul boleh confirm whether its tumor or something
else. But from my experience, its tumor and maybe dah lama kat sini, maybe
since birth. Pneumonia is because of the tumor. I cuma boleh tahu the size,
berapa lama and what kind of tumor after the scan. Then baru I boleh buat

Again, I just kept quiet, trying very hard to understand all this. Dzafri
starts merengek balik, and this time, I started to cry. I asked the doctor
to discuss it with my husband. I went to get him, again, I have to wait with
Dzarif at the visitor lounge. Only few minutes inside the ward, he came to
get me, saying that Dzafri is crying and looking for me.

I quickly ran to get him, seeing that the nurses try to pujuk him but he's
still crying and mengamuk rimas because of the wayar. The nurses prepared
him to sleep, as before can get into the scan, he must sleep.

With the help of the nurses, I tried to give him the ubat tidur. Its a sweet
syrup, but my poor boy refused to take it. Its not like normal Dzafri who
loved to eat, drink, even ubat. Since Wednesday, his selera makan kurang and
starts on Friday, he refused to drink, eat and even takes his milk. Its so
sad bila mengenangkan, yang dia memang suka makan, but dia akhir hayat dia,
he cant eat.... maybe because sakit yang ditanggung .... I dont know. I
really dont. Sampai sekarang, everytime I ate, I must remember him, because
he is my partner when makan time. He will walk towards me or starts mumbling
when he saw his plate or my plate or any foods in my hand.......

Even though the portion of the ubat given to him suitable for his age and
weight, he still cant sleep. He start merengek again, pulling all the wayar,
tried to sit on the bed and he looked at me with his sad eyes, asking me to
hold him. The nurses help me with the wayar, and I hold him tight, tried to
put him to sleep. Because if he cant sleep, they cant put him into the scan
machine. Still, he cant sleep after holding him for almost 15 minutes. The
nurse put him to IV, with hope that he will sleep, but no .... He merengek
lagi kuat, pulling all the wayar, pusing sana sini, wants me to hold him
....... I tried to calm him down, pujuk dia, berzikir, and looks like he wants
to sleep ..... but I was wrong.

It was 8.35pm.

He starts to tersentak-sentak, like kena fit. I thought its fit because dia
pernah kena fit on 4 November 2009 and 1 February 2010. I yelled to the
nurse, saying that dia kena fit, but the nurse reply to me ....

"Ni bukan fit kak"

Before she could finish her sentence, she quickly called out all of the
nurses in the ICU/NICU ward and the doctors. Just a split second, there is
about 7, 8 nurses in the room and one of them had asked me to leave the
room. That minute I know something terrible happened.

I was crying , more into menjerit, meraung, asking the nurses what's going
on. 2 of them tried to calm me down, asked me to sit on the chair as I
nearly collapsed. I tak sedar, my husband were there with Dzarif. I couldnt
say anthing, only sat there and cried. Dzarif come to me and hug me, saying
to me not to cry. I even cry loud, saying that I am sad because adik sick.

My husband were asking me what had happened as he spent most of the time at
the visitor lounge because he cant be with Dzafri in the ward because need
to take care Dzarif. I told him what had happened. Dia terkejut, quickly
berdoa for Dzafri and asked me to do the same.

Then, the doctor came and see my husband.

"I cannot promise you anything. I think there's no hope, but I will try my

My husband can only said, Ya Allah.

I cried.

And only after 2 minutes, the doctor came to us again.

I cant barely hear what he's saying but my husband came to me.

Hug me and kiss me.

"Dzafri dah tak ada, yang. Ya Allah."

And it was 8.50pm.

I still sit on the chair, crying like I never cried before.


My husband went into the room. I was still outside, this time I was sitting
on the floor, making calls to my family and friends.

I cant walked to the room. I have no strength to do that. I just cant. I
couldnt face this. My son is gone.

I am so sad. I could not explained more. No words can described it.

It felt like my chest just being stabbed.

Ya Allah. Beratnya dugaan yang Kau berikan kali ini.

After I have called my friends, Maria and Zul, called my aunties, my
brother. Then I called my mom. The minute I told her that Dzafri had passed
away, my dad pengsan. Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku. Berilah aku kekuatan. Then I
called my mom again to make sure that she and my dad are ok. Luckily, my
aunty just stayed near there and a cousin had offered to drive my parent
from Kluang, Johor to KL that night.

Then, I slowly walked to Dzafri room.

There he was, lying on the bed.

I cant hear his voice again.

No 'mama' to greet me.

No chicky smile to welcome me.

No bye bye hand from him.

He just lying there.

He's gone. Forever.

I held him tight. Crying, screaming his name. Saying No. I dont why, but I
said "No, Dzafri. No."

I dont know how long i cried, screaming his name.

Then, I sat. I was tired.

I asked the nurses, "Betul ke dik dia dah tak ada".

The nurse looked at me, "Betul kak. Dia dah tak ada."

I repeatedly asked her the same question. And she reply me with the same

My Dzafri is no longer with me.

I miss him. Today (1 April 2010) is the 12th day since he passed away.

But I can still hear his voice.

I can still hear his cries.

I can still remember his laughter.

I can still smells him.

And I still remember his smile.

Ya Allah, aku redha dgn ketentuanMu. Berilah aku semangat dan kekuatan dalam
menempuh dugaan Mu yang besar dan berat ini, Ya Allah. Sesungguhnya, Kau
Maha Pengasih, Maha Pengampun. Segala-gala yang terjadi adalah kehendak mu
Ya Allah dan aku sebagai hambaMu, redha dengan segalanya. Tempatkanlah
Dzafri di sisi M,u di kalangan orang beriman, di syurga Mu. Kau temukanlah
kami bersamanya di syurga Mu, Ya Allah. - Amin. *

*Dzafri, *

*Mummy love you so much. I am going to miss you forever. Not only me, ayah,
abang, totok, grandma, uncle adik, auntie mek, and all of us will missing
you dearly. I love you dear. No words can described how much I miss you
right now. I love you dear. I have to let you go. But I'm going to miss you
forever and my love will never fade. You are my only DZAFRI.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Don't talk to Strangers

POLICE believe that there are windows of opportunity for abduction to happen when children are at school.

"Some schools are pretty safe -- they have a guardhouse and the security guard is always at attention. We also understand that their gates are usually closed during school hours. But there are some that are probably not as careful," said Deputy Superintendent Norisah Ab Hamid, who heads the children's investigation unit under the sexual and children's investigation division, or D11.

Police are also concerned that children are left largely to their own devices once the school bell rings. It doesn't help that most children today are "very friendly".

"They talk to strangers freely. Parents should tell them not to talk to strangers. Teach them to say 'no'. Teach your child to shout for help if a stranger approaches or touches him or her," she said.

Young children, especially those under 15, are more vulnerable and should never be left alone, she added.

However, current statistics show that cases of missing children usually occur around the child's home.

Some examples would be the abduction of Nurin Jazlin Jazimin and Sharlinie Mohd Nasar.

Nurin, 8, was reported missing while on her way to the night market near her house in Wangsa Maju on Aug 20, 2007. Her naked body was later found stuffed into a sports bag and left in the stairwell of a shoplot in Petaling Jaya a month later.

Five-year-old Sharlinie was reported missing while playing outside her house in Taman Medan on Jan 9, 2008.

"From the reports we've received, it seems that such incidents are happening closer to home," Norisah said.

She said when it comes to the safety of children, everyone has a responsibility, not just the parents or teachers.

"Be a busybody. If you see a child playing somewhere all alone, ask the child to go home or notify the parents. Each of us can help prevent a crime."

National Parent-Teacher Association president Associate Professor Datuk Mohd Ali Hasan pointed out that the culture of safety and security in schools was still lacking.

"We need more stringent security measures, especially in preschools. Strangers can easily enter some schools and preschools," said Ali.

A case in point would be the hammer attack on three 6-year-old pupils in Muar, Johor, by a man wearing a crash helmet who had rushed into their kindergarten.

The pupils from Tadika Sinario were hit on the head and had to be rushed to the Sultanah Fatimah Specialist Hospital.

The man had reportedly jumped over the fence and kicked open the grille door of the kindergarten before attacking the pupils.

Ali suggested random spot checks be conducted by the Inspectorate of Schools to check on the safety measures of all schools.

"Our safety system is not adequate. Children can easily be abducted. There should also be safety drills and safety committees in all schools. The committees should present monthly reports at parent-teacher association meetings," said Ali.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What Children Can Teach Their Parents

Every parent has experienced the phenomena of their child begging for their favourite story to be read, their favourite song to be played or their favourite movie to be watched for the 100th time.

Even though we adults might be tempted to hide the favourite book or introduce a new book, CD, or DVD, we must stop ourselves because our children are actually teaching us a huge lesson about how they want and need to be parented.

When our children repeat a request for their favourite story to be read, it is because they have an innate interest in ‘mastery’. Of course they love to explore new toys, corners, books and movies, but once the all-important excitement of discovery has occurred, children set out to ‘master’ the things that interest them the most.

Mastery occurs through repetition. Young children are driven to discover and then master all aspects of their world.

Discipline is another area in which children innately crave mastery. Children test their parents because they are trying to figure out how their world works and what is acceptable behaviour. While they do their research they do things consciously and unconsciously to investigate their world and it’s limits so that they are able to ‘master’ it.

The best thing parents can do is to learn a simple methodology for discipline, get trained to use it and then apply it consistently. This will decrease the number of times their child needs to test and will diminish the intensity of the testing. Children whose parents often use different strategies, use bribes or threats become very confused and unsure of themselves. It is for this reason that many parenting experts say that discipline makes children feel safe and secure.

One can liken children’s feelings to the experience of hiking down a trail with very few trail signs or markers. It’s confusing! Without clear signals to keep one on course, one is more likely to make wrong turns and get into trouble. This is what it’s like for children as they try to learn the path of acceptable behaviour. When limits are unclear or inconsistent, children often steer off course and get into trouble, thus making mastery of acceptable behaviour very difficult and unsettling.

So, as you spend time with your child, remember what it is that they crave the most…mastery. Let’s be conscious of this and then make a decision to help them master their world with confidence and ease.

Image: Cuellar

Monday, April 19, 2010

Nota terjun tingkat 11

KUALA LUMPUR: Tekanan perasaan dialami selepas mendakwa sering dimarahi keluarga kerana mendapat keputusan peperiksaan tidak memuaskan membuatkan seorang pelajar tingkatan tiga sanggup terjun daripada tingkat 11 pangsapuri didiami.

Sebelum terjun, pelajar perempuan itu sempat menulis surat meluahkan perasaan kecewanya kerana kerap dimarahi ibu bapa apabila gagal mencapai kejayaan cemerlang dalam peperiksaan.

Malah, dia juga turut merakamkan gambar sendiri menggunakan telefon bimbit yang menunjukkan seolah-olah cuba menjerut leher menggunakan rantai yang dipakainya.

Sumber polis berkata, dalam kejadian jam 5 pagi itu, remaja berkenaan dipercayai bertindak terjun dari tingkap bilik tidurnya selepas meninggalkan surat dan bukti berhubung masalah dialami.

Menurutnya, pelajar yang tinggal bersama ahli keluarga di Ketumbar Height, Cheras di sini, cedera parah di kepala dan tubuh kesan dari hentakan kuat menyebabkan dia mati di lokasi kejadian sebelum mayatnya ditemui penduduk pangsapuri itu.

“Berdasarkan siasatan, mangsa kerap menginap di rumah mak ciknya di tingkat empat di pangsapuri sama, namun pada hari kejadian, mangsa dikatakan pulang ke rumahnya di tingkat 11 kediaman itu.

“Sebelum terjun, mangsa sempat menggunakan telefon bimbit kamera miliknya untuk merakam perbuatan anehnya. Berdasarkan siasatan, dia dilihat sengaja menggunakan rantai leher sambil seolah-olah cuba menjerut lehernya sendiri,” katanya.

Menurutnya, pelajar itu kemudian menulis di atas dua keping kertas mencurahkan segala masalah dan rasa isi hatinya. Antaranya mendakwa tertekan dengan keputusan akademiknya yang mengecewakan menyebabkan dia kerap dimarah oleh ibu bapa.

“Mangsa mendakwa tertekan dengan tindakan ibu bapanya yang kerap meluahkan rasa tidak puas hati sehingga dia mengambil keputusan untuk membunuh diri bagi menghentikan penderitaan dialami,” katanya.

Menurutnya, mayat remaja itu dihantar ke Pusat perubatan Hospital Kebangsaan Malaysian (PPUKM) untuk bedah siasat.

“Setakat ini siasatan mendapati kematian mangsa tidak membabitkan unsur jenayah dan ia adalah kes mati mengejut,” katanya.

Bagaimanapun, keluarga mangsa yang diambil keterangan polis tidak percaya mangsa sanggup membunuh diri hanya kerana tertekan dengan keputusan peperiksaan diperoleh.

Bapa mangsa berusia 49, mendakwa dia dan isteri tidak pernah memarahi anak gadis mereka atau memberi tekanan kepadanya.

Difahamkan, bapa mangsa meminta polis menyiasat punca kes kematian mangsa lebih terperinci bagi mengenal pasti motif sebenar di sebalik kematian anak gadisnya itu.

Oleh Mohd Jamilul Anbia Md Denin

Sunday, April 18, 2010

MARA sponsors more than 62,000 students this year

KUALA LUMPUR: The Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) has sponsored more than 62,620 students to pursue studies in various fields, including 6,831 in learning institutions overseas.

Deputy Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun said MARA had two sponsorship schemes for local and overseas studies, namely the outstanding student scheme and the open financing scheme.

"The condition or pre-requisite for students going overseas under the outstanding student scheme is to obtain excellent result in Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), participation in co-curriculum activities and to pass the interview.

"MARA will also evaluate in terms of the socio-economic status of the applicant's family," he said when winding-up the debate on the Supplementary Supply Bill (2010) 2010 in the Dewan Rakyat today.

He said sponsorship by MARA focused on critical areas like medicine, engineering, biotechnology, sanctuary science, accounts, management and administration and architecture.

On the delay in payment of the cost of living allowance for overseas students, he said, it happened because of the delay by students in submitting the necessary documents, including account books, to the MARA office.
"For overseas students, MARA will pay them in advance the cost of living allowance for six months, including for clothing, to help them prepare for a new life in a foreign land.

"To facilitate this, students are required to open a bank account in the country there are in and to submit a copy of the account book and some other documents to the MARA office for purpose of crediting the allowance," he added. - Bernama

Friday, April 9, 2010

Keputusan ke matrikulasi diketahui Jumaat depan

PUTRAJAYA 9 April – Pelajar lepasan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) yang telah membuat permohonan untuk mengikuti program matrikulasi, boleh mengetahui keputusan permohonan mereka mulai 16 April ini.

Menurut kenyataan Kementerian Pelajaran di sini hari ini, semakan boleh dibuat dengan melayari laman web dan memasukkan nombor kad pengenalan serta angka giliran SPM pemohon.

Semakan juga boleh dibuat dengan menghantar khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) dengan menaip perkataan MOEMATNO KP (pelajar) dan hantar ke talian 15888.

Talian bantuan Bahagian Matrikulasi iaitu 03-88844100 juga boleh dihubungi mulai tarikh yang sama dari pukul 8.30 pagi hingga 4 petang (hari bekerja sahaja) untuk mengetahui keputusan permohonan tersebut.

Tarikh pendaftaran pelajar matrikulasi ialah pada 10 Mei dan surat tawaran serta maklumat lanjut tentang pendaftaran, yuran dan sebagainya akan dihantar oleh kolej matrikulasi atau kolej Mara berkenaan.

Kenyataan itu juga menyebut, pelajar yang layak dan telah memohon, tetapi gagal mendapat tempat boleh membuat rayuan terus melalui internet mulai 16 hingga 30 April.

Keputusan rayuan boleh diketahui pada 24 Mei melalui laman web, SMS serta talian bantuan Bahagian Matrikulasi. – Bernama

Monday, April 5, 2010

JPA tawar 1,500 biasiswa PILN

PARIS: Kerajaan melalui Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) menyediakan 1,500 biasiswa kepada pelajar cemerlang lepasan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) bagi Program Ijazah Luar Negara (PILN) tahun ini dengan penajaan berjumlah RM1.24 bilion untuk sepanjang pengajian.

Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, berkata program untuk menyediakan biasiswa yang berprestij itu bertujuan melahirkan modal insan yang berkualiti bagi menjamin kesinambungan keupayaan negara di masa akan datang.

"Fokus penajaan PILN 2010 adalah kepada bidang-bidang kritikal dan keutamaan yang diperlukan oleh negara pada masa hadapan, seperti perubatan, pergigian, farmasi dan kejuruteraan," katanya kepada wartawan Malaysia hari ini.

Muhyiddin yang juga Menteri Pelajaran berada di sini bagi menghadiri mesyuarat ke-184 Lembaga Eksekutif Pertubuhan Pendidikan, Saintifik dan Kebudayaan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (Unesco) yang bermula esok.

Penajaan PILN, katanya, akan ditawarkan mengikut empat kategori iaitu populasi kaum (60 peratus), kecemerlangan akademik (20 peratus), Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak (10 peratus) serta golongan "socially disadvantaged" (10 peratus). - Bernama

RM1.24b scholarships to be offered to top scorers

PARIS: The government, through the Public Service Department (PSD), will offer 1,500 scholarships to top Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) students under the overseas undergraduate scholarship programme, with sponsorship totalling RM1.24 billion, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.

Muhyiddin, who is also the education minister, said the programme was aimed at creating quality human capital to continue spurring the country to greater heights in the future.

"The focus is on critical and priority sectors such as medical, dentistry, pharmacy and engineering," he told Malaysian journalists covering his visit here in conjunction with the 184th session of the Unesco executive board, which begins tomorrow.

He said that the sponsorship distribution would be based on four categories namely population (60 per cent), academic excellence (20 per cent), Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak (10 per cent) and the socially-disadvantaged (10 per cent).

Among the criteria for the scholarship were academic achievement, involvement in co-curriculum activities, socio-economic factor, family background and performance during interviews.

He said engineering and medical were two most popular courses among candidates, with the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand being the top countries chosen by most of the 18,844 applicants, including 10,114 who applied through the PSD.

However, Muhyiddin said, courses in the priority sectors were offered in various countries including Australia, New Zealand, India, Czech Republic and Poland as well as through twinning programmes at the Penang Medical College, Melaka Manipal Medical College and the International Medical University Malaysia.

For engineering, the countries included France, Germany and the United States, he said.

Apart from overseas sponsorship, he said, the government also gave priority to sponsoring students to pursue studies at four Malaysian research universities namely the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti of Malaya (UM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), with 100 sponsorships provided.

Successful applicants would receive a subsistence allowance at the rate of 50 per cent higher than the rate offered by federal scholarships to students pursuing studies locally, he said.

In view of the stiff competition, Muhyiddin said, a total of 1,900 sponsorships would be offered to top students, who were not chosen for the overseas scholarship programme, to study locally.

"The sponsorship is for the matriculation, pre-science and pre-university courses as well as for the first degree if they fulfilled the academic qualification at the preparatory stage," he said.

The cost for sponsoring 10,500 students locally was RM1.2 billion, he added.

Applications are now open through the website - Bernama